Update on the Hot (If Not So Bright) Jewelry Store Thief: She Got Got


NBC – The FBI on Friday arrested a woman believed to have robbed at least six jewelry stores in the southeast during an eight-month crime spree, the agency announced Saturday. Abigail Lee Kemp, 24, and another suspect were arrested in Smyrna, Georgia, and investigators believe Kemp is the brunette woman who allegedly robbed jewelry stores in five states since April 29, the FBI said. “Within hours of issuing a press release this week requesting assistance in identifying the suspects, the FBI Jacksonville Division began to receive numerous credible leads from the public,” the FBI said in a statement.

A friend of Kemp’s who grew up with her was shocked by the arrest. “I thought, ‘That’s insane!’ Because we’re all from a small little suburban community. It’s wild,” said the friend, who identified himself as Cameron but did not want his last name used. He said he ran into Kemp in the last year; she was waitressing at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Kennesaw. “She seemed good,” he said. He said that growing up in Cobb County, Georgia, Kemp was a social butterfly. “She’s real chill. She’s hilarious. She’s the life of the party. I’m not saying she’s a party girl, but she’s always cracking jokes. She’s very fun, very social. She’s one of the homies,” he said.

More than $4 million in jewelry was stolen in the spree, the Jewelers’ Security Alliance estimated. Stores were struck in Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida and Georgia, the FBI said.


Original blog


Well that was quick. Blog went up last Thursday and little old Abby was in cuffs within 24 hrs. I guess the strategy of staring at the surveillance cameras while robbing a jewelry store doesn’t pan out if you were an aspiring model or have ten million Facebook pictures up from your time as a waitress at Twin Peaks. Who knew? But more importantly than that, I’d like to comment on the stoolies’ role in all this. I called for them to send out the smoke patrol on this girl and get her locked up. And you know what? I didn’t see a single lead in the comments or on twitter. This chick should not have been hard for you guys to find. She got nabbed in like one day. So I know that stoolies out there probably did recognize her. They probably knew exactly who she was. And you know what? They didn’t snitch! That’s what matters. You can’t rat out a ride or die chick like this and have any sort of self respect. If you’re snitching on sexy girls brandishing weapons and stealing diamonds, go read Deadspin or ghost write for The Cauldron. So consider this a test and you guys passed with flying colors. Pretty successful Training Day so far. Now I’m gonna need all of y’all to smoke this weed. This ain’t a test, just take a hit.


P.S. Love the quote from the kid who grew up with her. Wants to make sure that people don’t think she’s a party girl, just one of the homies. I see you Cameron. Keeping her on the back burner til she gets out of prison in 20 or 30 years. Always planting seeds




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